The Christensens

The Christensens

Monday, May 6, 2013

Wow I can't believe it's been over a year since I posted! Lots has happened with our little family in the last year.  Asher turned 8 last September and finished reading the b.o.m. and was baptized in October. We are so happy with the choices he is making and how big he is getting.  He is very responsible and strives to do his best most of the time. He is such an amazing big brother and cousin.  Being the oldest in the family of all the siblings and cousins seems easy for him.  He loves to take care of the little kids and make the little boys laugh.  He is big enough that he can give piggy back rides to the little boys and they adore him!! He is in scouts and loves it! He is also in baseball again this year and is loving to play the pitchers mound. He wants to be the pitcher when he can be in "real baseball" apparently machine pitch isn't real baseball. haha. On Saturday B and I were working on some house projects and he kept coming in and asking me if I needed his help for anything.  I of course would find him something to do to help and at the end of the day I had to hug him and let him know that I was so proud of him for even asking the question!  He's not perfect by any means, but I really can't complain because he really is such a good kid and I just LOVE him!!
Olivia is 6 and turns 7 in June. In the last month her front teeth started growing in and so we had to take the fake ones out.  She's a very cute toothless little girl, but I am glad that didn't have to go on for 2 years! She is feisty and sensitive and intense and loving selfish and giving. It all depends on her mood, but whatever her mood is she will portray it strongly! She is very concerned with others and I think it's a good trait. She is always worried about Avaree (tell that story in a bit) She says her prayers and it's always with concern for someone besides herself. She is very worried about the baby I am pregnant with now, and prays for me and the baby every day.  She loves to wash her hands over and over and over again, to the point that they are frequently dry and cracked. She loves to "babysit" for me. I let her be in charge while I went to the store once (B was outside doing yard work) I told her she got to babysit. When I got home the kids were all drinking chocolate milk and eating cookies. She smiled when I came in the door and says "Mom I am the best babysitter ever! They love when I am in charge!" I couldn't help but laugh!
Avaree is 4 almost 5 and she has had a rough year. Lots of bladder infections that led to some very traumatic testing that was so awful and took her 2 months to recover from and be able to go to the bathroom without help, just to find out that we will be headed to Primary Children's next week for surgery. She has reflux which is pretty common for kids her age, and they will usually grow out of it, but her right kidney is quite a bit smaller than her left so they don't dare take the chance of waiting it out for a year to find out that the kidney is damaged or non-functioning. B and I agree with doing the procedure and just getting it over with and fixing the problem. We are feeling a little anxious to have her go through it all though. We are hoping for a quick recovery and back to normal before this next baby comes.  Other than the sickness we see small glimpses of what she would be like when she feels good and I am so excited to have that little girl back!  She is so sweet and loving.  She's a cuddle bug and loves to be right by my side.  She won't let anyone leave the house without a hug and a kiss. She is such a nice big sister to Ledger and very excited to have another addition to our family.
Today is Tatum's 3 year death anniversary.  We all miss him so much and don't have a lot to hold onto. The grave side and the pictures and very few memories with him at the hospital.  We are holding onto them as dearly as possible! We decided this year to set up all of his stuff in the living room from his birthday till his death day and it looks a little like a shrine, but I love having it out and being able to touch it and see it every day and remember how real it all was.  Olivia is my sensitive one when it comes to Tate.  We have cried together on several occasions and she makes me tell her over and over that I know we will see him again and be able to be with him and that he's a part of our family forever!
Ledger is soooo 2 years old! He is into everything! He's talking up a storm and repeats everything! some of his favorite words are shoot you, darnit, ampain (airplane). For animals he makes the sound first like moo-cow or meow-cat. His favorite songs are horsey horsey, Twinkle twinkle, and ABC's. He is just like the rest of my kids- a total couch potato! His favorite place to eat is McDonald's. Any time we drive past it he yells Donnalds hungy! He loves when it's bed time he runs to his and Ashers room after prayers and finds a book and climbs into Ashers bed so Ash can read to him.  They are best buds.
I am 30 weeks pregnant with another boy and we are very excited for the final edition of our family. We have decided as for now that his name will be Blake Olen Christensen. All of the kids are very excited for him to come and the only sad part is when Avaree realized this was our last baby she yelled at me and said "you should have had a girl one!" I told her sorry that's not how it works, she said we should have another one. I told her someday she could have a girl baby and until then we will just have to enjoy other peoples girl babies. 
Brandon has opened a new business as part owner and is still working for desert door.  He's a pretty busy guy right now. He's an awesome dad and the kids are all so excited to see him when he gets home, so am I. He went out of town for a week this last month and by the end of the week I was worried we were going to start having anxiety attacks and major melt downs.  It was so nice to have him home! He's super handy to have around when I'm doing technical things like cake. haha. His ocd kicks in and he perfects anything I would question. I made a fondant cake for Ledgers 2nd birthday and was so glad for the help of amazing friend and neighbor Heather and for the input and final touches from B.
I am enjoying the craziness of our busy life and though it's overwhelming sometimes I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be. I am the Young Womens prez. in our ward which adds to my craziness, but i love serving the girls in our ward and working with the other leaders they are so fun to be with! I am always so hesitant to leave my family for meetings and activities, but they are so good at supporting me and it's a nice break sometimes.  B and I celebrated our 9th anniversary in December and are looking forward to having some kind of vacation for our big 10 this year. Time flies when you're having fun, and we are!
I'm hoping to get pic's soon, but I lost my cord to my camera and haven't taken the time to find it or get my pictures off my camera any other way. Soon though!


Taylors said...

Great update! I smiled reading the whole thing!! MISS YOU!!! I miss those cute kiddies too :)

njkilfoyle said...

Can't believe your kids are that old.... They grow up too dang fast! Good post